Editor's Introduction


  • Sara DeCaro Wichita State University


I would first like to express how pleased I am to be the editor of this tenth volume of the Fairmount Folio. After examining several other issues of this journal I have been made aware of how much effort and time has gone into its making. The care taken by previous editors has set an excellent example for me to follow. I am proud to carry on the tradition.

Second, I would like to thank the editorial board, consisting of Dr. Robert Owens, Dr. George Dehner, and Katherine Paige. The time taken out of busy schedules to read submissions and select the papers that went into this volume is very much appreciated.

I would also be amiss ifl did not thank Dr. Owens and Dr. Dehner, as well as Dr. Ariel Loftus, for meeting with the authors of the selections and offering suggestions for revisions. Again, I know how busy you all are. I'm sure the authors appreciate your help as much as I do.

Next, my thanks to everyone who submitted papers for this edition of the Fairmount Folio. Something that may not be generally known is that papers that are printed in the Folio often go through an editing process. Since the time between the selection and printing processes is limited, papers that are chosen should require minimal editing and should not detract from a student's schoolwork. Some of the papers submitted were interesting but simply required more editing than time allowed for. With this in mind, I hope that students will be encouraged to continue to submit to the Folio.

Last, but certainly not least, many thanks to Dr. Helen Hundley for overseeing yet another edition of the Folio. Countless hours of hard work go into these papers, and the Folio provides a great opportunity for students to be able to appreciate the fruits of their labor. Dr. Hundley's efforts continue to make this possible every year. Her dedication and enthusiasm for this project has been very encouraging.

On behalf of everyone who contributed to the making of this edition of the Folio, I hope you enjoy it.

Sara DeCaro

April 8, 2008






Editor's Note