What They Don't Tell You About Being a Teacher

(By a First-Year Teacher)


  • Savannah Snow Maize High School, Maize, Kansas




Everyone will tell you about the mediocre pay you will receive as a teacher and you will always hear people joke, You're definitely not in it for the money! Everyone will tell you that you are brave because you are a teacher and say that they could never handle those kids or that age (no matter what age it is). They will suggest that you definitely go for your master's as soon as possible (in order to climb the pay scale). Colleagues will suggest that you demand respect from your students, but find a healthy balance between teacher and friend. College professors will teach you how to involve movement in your lessons so the students do not get bored, and how to teach poetry so that it connects to students' lives. They will attempt to prepare you for long days in the classroom and unpaid overtime spent grading essays and racking your brain for new and fresh ideas for lessons over the next novel.


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Author Biography

  • Savannah Snow, Maize High School, Maize, Kansas

    Savannah Snow, a recent graduate of Kansas State University's education program, currently teaches English 9 and 10 at Maize High School. As a Wichita local, Snow feels most at home in ICT at one of many cozy coffee shops. She is passionate about inclusive, engaging, and supportive classrooms. Snow enjoys YA literature and creating meaningful relationships with students, especially when the bond revolves around a good book. ELA has always been near and dear to her heart. Snow knew that she was born to be a teacher since a very young age. She appreciates reading, writing, and daydreams about writing a YA novel one day. She can be reached at ssnow@usd266.com.






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