The University Libraries in coordination with ITS is proud to host local journal publications from various groups and departments on WSU campus. This service is part of an open access initiative, making materials freely available to the public.

To learn more about Open Journal Systems, visit


  • Kansas English

    Kansas English is the peer-reviewed journal of the Kansas Association of Teachers of English (KATE).  It publishes articles and materials on subjects of interest to English teachers, including scholarly articles, reflective/practitioner essays, opinion pieces, interviews, book reviews, and creative works (including photos and artwork).  The editor in chief is Dr. Katie Cramer, Professor of English Education at Wichita State University. Kansas English is published annually.

    ISSN 2997-4712


  • The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Sport

    The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Sport (JCIS) is a scholarly, quarterly peer-reviewed publication serving both academics and practitioners. JCIS is dedicated to examining and disseminating research, critical analysis, and thought-provoking discussions on contemporary issues within the field of sport management and peripheral topics including but not limited to the following: 1) sport business and management including marketing, sponsorship, revenue management, and other sport business-related topics; 2) social, psychological, and cultural dimensions of sport; 3) sport governance and ethics; 4) leadership in sport; 5) global perspectives on contemporary issues in sport; 6) communication and public relations in sport; 7) sport tourism and event management; 8) data analytics in sport; and 9) coaching and educational issues in sport.

  • Fairmount Folio: Journal of History

    Founded in 1996, the Fairmount Folio is a history journal which publishes the work of students at Wichita State University.  It is published by the Gamma Rho Chapter of the national history honorary, Phi Alpha Theta and the Department of History at Wichita State University.  Topics have included American, European, Asian cultural, political, economic, and social themes, from ancient to modern times, but are not limited to any geographical region.

    ISSN 2998-4033 (online)

    ISSN 2998-4025 (print)

  • The Advanced Generalist: Social Work Research Journal

    The Advanced Generalist: Social Work Research Journal is an online-only peer reviewed student, practitioner, and faculty research journal. The mission of the journal is to disseminate high quality research that is closely aligned with Wichita State University School of Social Work advanced generalist perspective. Advanced generalist practitioners possess a broad range of practice skills. They employ an eclectic and disciplined approach, and are committed to evidence-based practice. Social Work at Wichita State University builds on this understanding of advanced generalist practice by advancing four educational themes: social justice, cultural competency, multidimensional practice, and empowerment.

    These themes are woven together to develop the school's model for advanced generalist practice. The model incorporates the values and multiple role capability the social worker brings to each intervention. Whatever the setting or client, advanced generalist practitioners are prepared to bring evidence-based practice skills to bear in each intervention. The complex and changing practice environments require effective practitioners to have the ability to fulfill multiple practice roles, including: administrator, advocate, broker, case manager, lobbyist, policy practitioner, researcher, supervisor, therapist, and more.

    For more information see the journal departmental website.