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Author Guidelines

  • Authors are invited to submit original research, review articles, commentaries, and opinion pieces that align with the journal's scope and aim. Manuscripts should adhere to the journal's submission guidelines and undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure scholarly excellence.
  • There is no charge to submit your manuscript and have it published in the. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Sport (JCIS). The author will be provided a free digital copy of the published manuscript. JCIS is an open-access online journal that encourages the authors to share the manuscript through Google Scholar, personal/professional websites, social media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn), and many other outlets for more access to the manuscript and JCIS on the manuscript is published on the JCIS website.
  • If the article is accepted by JCIS, the author(s) will be recommended to include a brief video abstract which will be 1 to 2 minutes of video for sharing the main findings and background information to garner more interest and reach out to a wider audience for your JCIS article. More information will be provided by the Editor-In-Chief. 

Submitting the Manuscripts

Before you submit the manuscript, please read the completed instructions below to ensure that you understand JCIS's manuscript requirements and publication procedures and compliance with the ethical standards of JCIS and the academic community.

  • If you use the Open Journal Systems (OJS) and JCIS, please check the following comprehensive information on OJS: Click HERE
  • To facilitate the double-blind review process, kindly prepare three separate files as follows:
    1. One file should contain a title page with information about the corresponding author.
    2. Another file should consist of an abstract not exceeding 200 words and contain 3-5 keywords, with no identifiable information.
    3. The third file (the main document file) should contain the complete manuscript without any identifying information.
      • Structure: Your main paper should be organized as follows: introduction (including literature review), methodology, results, discussion/conclusion, acknowledgments, references (no more than 50 references recommended), appendices (as appropriate), table(s) with caption(s) on individual pages, figures, and a list of figure caption(s).
        • The Introduction section should provide a general overview of the importance of the topic that is going to be covered in the manuscript. A brief review of the literature and theoretical framework (if any) should be included in this section. After introducing the topic, the research aim/purpose as well as the research questions/hypothesis of the study should be clearly stated.
        • The Methodology section should be reserved for a description of the research design and method used for addressing the purpose of the study. It is essential to provide information on the research design, sampling and data collection method, and the analysis of data used in the current study.
        • The Results section should present findings such as the results of qualitative/quantitative statistical results with reliability and validity tests derived from the conducted data analysis to answer the research questions. Authors should make sure not to overuse the tables, graphics, and figures, but to combine several statistical data into one table where possible.
        • The Discussions and/or Conclusion section should provide a brief overview of the results obtained in the study. Particularly, the author(s) should pay attention to describing both the theoretical and practical implications for future research and practitioners in the related field.
        • References should be presented in APA style. Authors should cite publications in the text: (App, 1985) using the first named author’s name, citing both names of two (Chalip and Costa, 2012), or utilizing the abbreviated citation when there are three or more authors (Kim et al., 2015). Every reference that is cited in the text should be also present in the reference list (and vice versa). For correct referencing through APA, visit the below links for your reference:
  • Manuscripts should adhere to the guidelines outlined in the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, with exceptions as specified below.


  • Ensure that the article (the main document) is double-spaced, employs the Times New Roman font in size 12, maintains one-inch margins throughout, ragged-right text style (e.g., align text left), and should include a running header and page numbers.
  • The maximum length, encompassing references, tables, and figures, should not exceed 25 pages, approximately 4,000 words. Manuscripts are accepted in English using American English spelling and punctuation. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material before submitting their manuscript for publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Before you submit the manuscript, please read the completed instructions below to ensure that you understand JCIS's manuscript requirements and publication procedures as well as understand the compliance with the ethical standards by JCIS and the academic community.
  • To facilitate the double-blind review process, kindly prepare three separate files as follows: 1. One file should contain a title page that includes information about the corresponding author. 2. Another file should consist of an abstract not exceeding 200 words and contain 3-5 keywords, with no identifiable information. 3. The third file should contain the complete manuscript without any identifying information.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Manuscripts should adhere to the guidelines outlined in the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, with exceptions as specified below. Ensure that the document is double-spaced, employs the Times New Roman font in size 12, maintains one-inch margins throughout, and should include a running header and page numbers. The maximum length, encompassing references, tables, and figures, should not exceed 25 pages, approximately 4,000 words. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material before submitting their manuscript for publication.
  • The submitted manuscript will be checked for plagiarism. JCIS requires no more than 10% of the similarity result; thus, the author(s) should check the similarity to avoid desk rejection from the Editor-in-Chief.  


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