The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime that Changed Their Lives


  • John Franklin Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas


Dashka Slater, the 57 bus, book review


The 57 Bus, Dashka Slater’s 2017 journalistic investigation of a horrific event, is a 302-page exposition suitable for high school students as well as middle school readers who—while encountering puberty—experience conflict and curiosity about gender and sexual identity.

Author Biography

  • John Franklin, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas
    John Franklin (BA Rice; MA Miami of Ohio; PhD Florida; Texas Teacher’s Certificate) began his career at Jones High School in Houston. During that time, he combined his love for literature with a love of travel, spending twelve-week summers in Britain with a backpack or a bicycle visiting the settings of the fiction, drama and poetry he taught: London for Dickens; Scotland for Macbeth; Canterbury for Chaucer; and, the Lake District for Wordsworth. John Franklin is an Associate Professor of English, a Supervising Professor of English Education and the Director of the English Education Internship Program at Pittsburg State University in Southeast Kansas where he teaches Literature for Middle and Secondary Schools. He can be reached at






Book Reviews